September 20, 2020

September 20

 This Week in Kindergarten

Monday- 1st full day of school for ALL of us!

Tuesday- Book Orders Due!!!! NWEA reading test.

Wednesday- Mrs. Bartz will be out for the day. Mrs. Caplea will be the guest teacher.

Thursday- Picture Day! NWEA math test.

Friday- We made it a whole week!!! 

Kindergarten News

Weeks 1 & 2

We have had great weather for these two weeks of school!

Please continue to send a filled water bottle everyday! 

We really need it to keep us going on these long days now! 

Thank you so much for getting your child into Google Classroom

and practicing remote learning this past Friday. 

If you still need help with Google Classroom please

send me an email right away. 



I will be posting all classroom information on Google

Classroom or the BLOG.

Weeks 3 & 4

We now are starting our full week of learning.  This includes

Reading, Journal, Centers, math, Daily 5, Phonics, writing workshop,

Morning Meeting, Calendar, Social Studies, Science and Handwriting.

Center time will run through a two week cycle.  We will do Math

Centers for the second week and are starting Table Centers this week. 

Math Centers will focus on numbers to 10, patterns and creating

with shapes.  Your child will trace numbers, make numbers with

play dough and match numbers to corresponding dots.  Your child will

also focus on how to play a game with 1-3 friends. Table centers

focus on playing cooperative games, practicing letters, and

doing art projects.

Reading lessons will include rhyming, Listening for sounds, letter name

recognition, listening for letter sounds, and learning how

to “Read to Self” and “Work on Writing” (Daily 5).  I have

already taught the lesson “How to Read a book”...your child is

learning to read a book 3 ways: 

Read the pictures, Read the words, Retell.

Journal writing started with writing a simple sentence and will

be done daily.

Stories-  We have read many stories these two weeks, including

Big Green Monster, Chrysanthemum and Big Orange Splot

Morning Meeting is when we will practice greeting each other by

making eye contact and being polite. We will all get to share about a

topic each morning.(ex. Favorite color).  Our goal is to be a good

listener to whomever is speaking.  We are going to be reading books

in morning meeting that help us understand our thoughts and feelings

and help us better get along with each other at school.

Writing Workshop will start with “I can tell a story”. 

Your child will learn to tell a story about themselves, telling what

happened first, next and last.  We will practice this for several

weeks before we write/draw our stories on paper.

Math will first focus on identifying numbers to 10, shapes,

counting to 20, patterns, and sharing and playing math

games with 1-3 friends.

Calendar time includes the date and other math concepts that

are repeated daily.

The first Social Studies unit is learning about “Who am I?” and

the first Science unit is “Weather”.

Bathroom Breaks/Lunch/Recess

Talk to your child about how bathroom breaks, lunch and recess

are going at school.  Let me know if there is anything

that I can help with. :)

Have a good week!