Upcoming Events
*Now- Nov. 25 Virtual Book Fair! Order some great books to enjoy with your students over the long holiday weekend coming up!
*Nov. 17 50th Day of school
*Nov. 18 Late Start
*Report Cards sent home the week of Nov. 23
*Nov. 25-27 No School Happy Thanksgiving!
What we learned last week
In phonics we focused on the letter Ii. We are practicing making words using the letters we have learned so far: Aa, Mm, Ss, Tt, Nn and now Ii. We can make a lot of 3- letter words using just those letters.
In reading we are learning about the sequence of events. We learned about signal words that tell the order of things like: first, next, then, finally, last. Help your child practice telling something that happened using these words.
In math we are focusing on how teen numbers start with a 1 and how they are 10 and some more. Please practice recognizing teen numbers around your house or when you are out and about.
In Social Studies we are learning about “Where We Are”. We are reviewing position words and will learn about maps.
In writing, we are starting to learn how to write a Pattern Book. This is a simple book with repeating text. We learned that a pattern book starts with the same words on each page, uses sight words, is all about one topic, and has pictures that help us read the words on each page.
Parent/Teacher Conferences and Report Cards
Thank you so much for meeting with me to discuss your child's progress this year. I loved talking to you and getting to know more about your child too. This week I will spend some extra time assessing the students for report cards that will come home next week. Because this is our first trimester, you may see 1's and 2's on the report card. This is normal for this time of year. A 3 means that your child has reached the end of the year goal so you may not see many of those this time. As the year progresses, you will see more and more of them.
Positivity Project
This week we learned that a way we can think about others and show them they are important is by being present. That means giving someone my full attention when I am with them. We talked about how to use whole body listening to stay focused and not let distractions take our attention. Practice using these words at home with your student.
Thanksgiving Turkeys
Our disguised turkeys look GREAT! We have so many creative families. Thank you so much for taking the time to work with your child on this fun project! All of our turkeys are hanging in the hallway outside of our room. I will be posting a video later this week of all of our turkeys, our Thanksgiving lunch, and our 50th day of school on Tuesday!