November 22, 2020

November 22nd Newsletter

 Upcoming Events

*November 23- Positivity Project Kick-Off and students receive their shirts!

*November 25-27 –No school, Happy Thanksgiving

P2- The Positivity Project
This week we are kicking off our positivity project with a shirt for every Lincoln student!!! They will get their shirts tomorrow as they learn about Gratitude! What a great time of year to be aware of and thankful for good things that happen! 

Important News
Last week we sent home your child’s laptop!  As of right now, it is expected that your student brings their laptop to and from school EVERY DAY so that we can use the laptops at school but also have them at home in case we need to go virtual.  Make sure that you charge your device at home every night.  Do not send chargers to school.  Please take the time to go over the digital handbook here with your child.

Christmas Trees
Coming home on Tuesday is our next (and last) take home project this year.  We are decorating Christmas trees to hang in our hallways this holiday season. Please work with your child to decorate your tree and return it to school when you are finished. 
Thank you and have fun!
Report Cards

Report cards will be coming home this week.  Remember to sign the envelope and return it to me.  The report card is yours to keep.  This is a great time to sit down with your student and make a learning goal for this next trimester.  Please remember that this is the beginning of the year, so not all report card concepts have been taught, such as sight words and 3D shapes.  If you see a 1 on your student’s report card, please know that this reflects their progress towards our END OF THE YEAR targets. This does not necessarily mean they are behind in anyway. If there is an area of concern, I addressed this with you at conferences and included a note in the comments.  Of course, I am always willing to answer any and all questions you have about your child’s report card.

What we learned last week

In phonics we focused on the letter Ff. We have now added 3 letter words that have Ff in them to our words to practice.

In reading we continued learning about the sequence of events as we learned about the life cycle of a frog. We read a non-fiction book about how frogs begin, how they change and grow, and how new life starts over again.

In math we practiced numbers to 50 as we celebrated the 50th day of school! We wrote numbers to 50, we matched numbers by looking for the patterns, we also played a memory game identifying numbers up to 50.

In Social Studies we are learning about “Where We Are”. We are reviewing position words and will learn about maps.

In writing, we are continuing to learn how to write a Pattern Book. This is a simple book with repeating text. We learned that a pattern book starts with the same words on each page, uses sight words, is all about one topic, and has pictures that help us read the words on each page.