February 01, 2021

January 31st Newsletter

Upcoming Dates to Know!

*February 3, 10, 17, 24 -Late Start Days
*February 16– 100th Day of School Celebration
*February 12 No School- Teacher Inservice
*February 15- No School- President's Day

Snow Pants and Shoes
Please make sure your child has snow pants and shoes everyday for school. We don't like to wear our wet boots into the classroom since we sit on the floor quite a bit and we don't want the floor to be wet. Also, there are fun snow hills that the kids really want to play on and they can't if they don't have snow pants to keep their regular pants dry. Please let me know if your child needs some snow pants or any other winter gear. We have some extra things here at school they can use. 

Solid Shape Museum
Thank you for sending in some items for our "museum". We are becoming more familiar with 3D shapes. You can still send things in to add to our collection. Items will be returned in the next couple of weeks.   

Folders and Backpacks
Please remember to check/clean out your child's folder EVERYDAY!!! It is not easy for me to see if there is anything you are sending in or back when the folder still has all of the papers that were supposed to stay at home in it. It also makes it difficult for them to get the new papers in at the end of the day and keep things organized! Also, because they need to bring their computers and folders everyday and these take up a lot of room (along with shoes, snow pants, and other winter gear, please take all unnecessary things out of the backpacks so that your child can more easily pack things up at the end of the day. Thank you so much!