November 22, 2020

November 22nd Newsletter

 Upcoming Events

*November 23- Positivity Project Kick-Off and students receive their shirts!

*November 25-27 –No school, Happy Thanksgiving

P2- The Positivity Project
This week we are kicking off our positivity project with a shirt for every Lincoln student!!! They will get their shirts tomorrow as they learn about Gratitude! What a great time of year to be aware of and thankful for good things that happen! 

Important News
Last week we sent home your child’s laptop!  As of right now, it is expected that your student brings their laptop to and from school EVERY DAY so that we can use the laptops at school but also have them at home in case we need to go virtual.  Make sure that you charge your device at home every night.  Do not send chargers to school.  Please take the time to go over the digital handbook here with your child.

Christmas Trees
Coming home on Tuesday is our next (and last) take home project this year.  We are decorating Christmas trees to hang in our hallways this holiday season. Please work with your child to decorate your tree and return it to school when you are finished. 
Thank you and have fun!
Report Cards

Report cards will be coming home this week.  Remember to sign the envelope and return it to me.  The report card is yours to keep.  This is a great time to sit down with your student and make a learning goal for this next trimester.  Please remember that this is the beginning of the year, so not all report card concepts have been taught, such as sight words and 3D shapes.  If you see a 1 on your student’s report card, please know that this reflects their progress towards our END OF THE YEAR targets. This does not necessarily mean they are behind in anyway. If there is an area of concern, I addressed this with you at conferences and included a note in the comments.  Of course, I am always willing to answer any and all questions you have about your child’s report card.

What we learned last week

In phonics we focused on the letter Ff. We have now added 3 letter words that have Ff in them to our words to practice.

In reading we continued learning about the sequence of events as we learned about the life cycle of a frog. We read a non-fiction book about how frogs begin, how they change and grow, and how new life starts over again.

In math we practiced numbers to 50 as we celebrated the 50th day of school! We wrote numbers to 50, we matched numbers by looking for the patterns, we also played a memory game identifying numbers up to 50.

In Social Studies we are learning about “Where We Are”. We are reviewing position words and will learn about maps.

In writing, we are continuing to learn how to write a Pattern Book. This is a simple book with repeating text. We learned that a pattern book starts with the same words on each page, uses sight words, is all about one topic, and has pictures that help us read the words on each page.

October and November Slideshows

click here for Halloween slide show

click here for November slide show

December Snack/Leader Calendar


November 15, 2020

November 15th Newsletter

 Upcoming Events

*Now- Nov. 25 Virtual Book Fair! Order some great books to enjoy with your students over the long holiday weekend coming up!

*Nov. 17 50th Day of school

 *Nov. 18 Late Start

*Report Cards sent home the week of Nov. 23

 *Nov. 25-27 No School Happy Thanksgiving! 

What we learned last week

In phonics we focused on the letter Ii. We are practicing making words using the letters we have learned so far: Aa, Mm, Ss, Tt, Nn and now Ii. We can make a lot of 3- letter words using just those letters.

In reading we are learning about the sequence of events. We learned about signal words that tell the order of things like: first, next, then, finally, last. Help your child practice telling something that happened using these words.

In math we are focusing on how teen numbers start with a 1 and how they are 10 and some more. Please practice recognizing teen numbers around your house or when you are out and about.

In Social Studies we are learning about “Where We Are”. We are reviewing position words and will learn about maps.

In writing, we are starting to learn how to write a Pattern Book. This is a simple book with repeating text. We learned that a pattern book starts with the same words on each page, uses sight words, is all about one topic, and has pictures that help us read the words on each page.

Parent/Teacher Conferences and Report Cards

Thank you so much for meeting with me to discuss your child's progress this year. I loved talking to you and getting to know more about your child too. This week I will spend some extra time assessing the students for report cards that will come home next week. Because this is our first trimester, you may see 1's and 2's on the report card. This is normal for this time of year. A 3 means that your child has reached the end of the year goal so you may not see many of those this time. As the year progresses, you will see more and more of them.

Positivity Project

This week we learned that a way we can think about others and show them they are important is by being present. That means giving someone my full attention when I am with them. We talked about how to use whole body listening to stay focused and not let distractions take our attention. Practice using these words at home with your student.

Thanksgiving Turkeys

Our disguised turkeys look GREAT! We have so many creative families. Thank you so much for taking the time to work with your child on this fun project! All of our turkeys are hanging in the hallway outside of our room. I will be posting a video later this week of all of our turkeys, our Thanksgiving lunch, and our 50th day of school on Tuesday!

November 01, 2020

November 1st Newsletter

November 2-4 Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 4- Late Start

November 11- Late Start

November 12 & 13- Half days of school (parent/teacher conferences)

November 17- 50th day of school

November 18- Late Start

November 20- Half day of school

What's Happening in our Class

This week we will start learning about how to have an 'other people mindset' using The Positivity Project. Our whole school is going to be using this program to help us learn how to get along better with others. More information will be coming out about this in Mr. Hubble's blog!  In Language Arts we will start our first Reader's Theater. We will practice reading short, repetitive sentences that use high frequency words we need to learn. A copy of these words will come home on Tuesday. Please cut these out and help your child practice them at home.  In our morning meetings this week we talked about things that we couldn't do in the past that we now can do and things that we would like to learn how to do in the future. Later this week I will send home a simple timeline for you and your child to complete and send back in to help reinforce the concepts of past, present, and future. You can use photos or drawings of your child. We will put these into a class book to enjoy in our library.  

 Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

A HUGE thank you to Katie Mandarino, Katrina Schaefer, Catherine Kirshenbaum, Alaina Brady, Kari Cheevers, Hether Flynn and Emily Allen for your donations to our Halloween Party!!! The kids had a great time and everything was perfect!!! We had cute plates and napkins for our yummy snack of Jack-O-Lantern cookies and juice boxes. We played a fun candy corn counting game (and got slime as a prize), made a skeleton out of Q-tips, made a spooky jar with fun surprises inside, and had some candy treats during our Halloween movie. We also had a fun goody bag to take home! I missed not being able to have parents in as helpers this year, but the things you sent in were wonderful! 

Because we were not able to have a parade this year or have parents in to help at our party, I have linked a Halloween slide show below so you can enjoy the costumes and see all of the fun we had!

 Halloween Party 2020

Thanksgiving Turkeys

Please turn your disguised turkeys in as soon as they are done! We are going to hang them in the hall so we can enjoy them as we lead up to Thanksgiving! 

Homework Calendars

Don't forget to turn in your October Homework Calendars. November ones came home last week! 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Please remember your scheduled conference time this week. I am excited to talk with all of you!  I have linked the sign-up form below for you to check your time! We will be connecting via the Google Classroom meet we used in September. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Student Login Information Earlier this year, I sent home a packet containing your student’s login information to several websites and apps that we plan on using throughout the school year. These are passwords and QR codes. These apps and websites are also important in case we have to switch for remote learning. Although we haven’t heard any news of us going virtual anytime soon, it is always a possibility during these uncertain times. In order for you and your student to be prepared for virtual learning, we are asking you to practice logging on and using the following apps with your student: SeeSaw Lexia Core5 RazKids IXL Epic Google Classroom Please use your student’s information to login and explore the apps so that you are more familiar with them. We have had some time on SeeSaw and Lexia in the computer lab, but extra practice at home would be great too!